Good news! Two research applications were granted recently, Safe Hydrogen Fuel Handling and Use for Efficient Implementation 2 (SH2IFT2) and AMmoniA Zero Emission (AMAZE).
SH2IFT2 is aimed to develop new knowledge on critical aspects of hydrogen safety, and also to facilitate the competence building required for supporting widespread use of hydrogen in society. This project is a continuation of the current SH2IFT project ( SH2IFT2 is a Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project funded by the Research Council of Norway and industry partners. The project is owned and managed by SINTEF.
AMAZE aims to develop and demonstrate a multi-fuel, fuel-flexible, clean and efficient thermal power cycle for propulsion and power generation. AMAZE will focus on ammonia as the carbon-free fuel as the main fuel and energy carrier. AMAZE is an Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector (IPN) funded by the Research Council of Norway and industry partners. The project is owned by Bergen Engines and managed by SINTEF Ocean.
The projects have not yet started, but we will let you know as soon as there is a project website that you may visit.